Después de un año de trabajo, el equipo del Entorno de Escritorio MATE ha lanzado MATE 1.24. Un millón de gracias a todos los colaboradores que ayudaron a hacer esto posible.

¿Qué hay de nuevo en MATE 1.24?
En esta versión tenemos cosas nuevas, solucionamos varios problemas y hemos hechos muchas mejoras en general. Algunos de los ejemplos más visibles son:
- Lo hicimos nuevamente, el entorno de escritorio MATE es más fácil de usar desde que el usuario inicia la sesión. ¿Quieres ocultar el inicio de aplicaciones? Ahora puede establecer qué aplicaciones mostrar al inicio.
Engrampa ahora tiene soporte para algunos formatos de archivos nuevos
También hemos arreglado soporte para contraseñas y caracteres en Unicode en algunos de ellos.
Eye of MATE ahora funciona en Wayland y hemos añadido soporte para perfiles de colores.
- La generación de imagenes en miniatura ha sido modificada y arreglada a través de la aplicación.
- Añadimos soporte para archivos webp.
- Nuestro administrador de ventanas, marco, ha tenido bastantes cambios:
- Hemos traido un montón de decoraciones desde el pasado para alimentar tu nostalgia.
- Finalmente hemos añadido bordes invisibles para cambiar el tamaño de las ventanas. ¡Dile adiós a los problemas tratando de encontrar esos bordes con el ratón!
- Todos los controles de ventana (los botones de minimizar, maximizar y cerrar) ahora se ven bien en pantallas de alta resolución HiDPI.
- The Alt+Tab and Workspace Switcher popups have been entirely reworked. Now they render in beautiful OSD style, are more configurable, and can respond to keyboard arrows.
- Posicionar las ventanas de lado a lado con el teclado ahora te permite recorrer distintos tamaños. Ya no tienes que sentirte limitado por solo la mitad de tu pantalla.
- El applet de monitor de sistema ahora tiene soporte para discos NVMe.
- La Calculadora ahora permite entrar “pi” o “π”.
- Notación científica ha sido mejorada.
- Algunos arreglos para constantes físicas pre-definidas.
- El Centro de control ahora muestra los íconos correctamente en pantallas de alta resolución.
- Un nuevo Gestor de hora y fecha ha sido añadido.
- El programa de Ratón ahora cuenta con perfiles de aceleración.
- El programa de Aplicaciones preferidas ha sido mejorado en accesibilidad, además de mejor integración con clientes de mensajería instantánea.
- El applet de indicadores ahora se ve mejor con íconos de varios tamaños.
- Hablando de íconos, el applet de NetworkManager tiene íconos nuevos cuando se usa con nuestros propios temas, y se pueden disfrutar mejor con pantallas de alta resolución.
- Si eres el tipo de persona que no le gusta ser interrumpido cuando estás ocupado, o dando una presentación, o viendo una película, te interesaría saber que el daemon de notificaciones ahora tiene un modo de No Molestar.
- El panel de MATE tiene varios arreglos para prevenir que la aplicación se termine cuando se cambia la distribución predeterminada.
- Soporte para compatibilidad con Wayland ha mejorado considerablemente.
- Status icons (a.k.a. notification area, or system tray) have support for HiDPI displays.
- El pez Wanda ha tenido un cambio de imagen y puedes disfrutarla en toda su belleza en alta resolución.
- El applet de lista de ventanas ahora tiene imágenes en miniatura de la ventana cuando mueves el ratón por encima del listado.
- Varias mejoras en accesibilidad en el panel y sus applets.
- Si eres de los que no usan systemd, puede que te interese saber que hemos añadido soporte para elogind en ambos el salvapantallas y el manejador de sessiones.
- También hemos añadido una utilidad nueva: El Montador de imágenes de disco de MATE
Mozo, nuestro editor de menus, ahora te permite hacer deshacer y rehacer tus cambios.
- Los plugins de Pluma ahora están todos escritos en Python 3.
- Además, pluma ya no tiene nada que envidiarle a otros editores de texto más complejos, ya que ahora puede mostrar marcas de formateo.
- i18n: Todas las aplicaciones han sido migradas de intltools a gettext.
Los componentes del Entorno de Escritorio MATE 1.24 están disponibles para descargar aquí:
Más detalles
Aquí están todos los cambios con lujo de detalles (con sus mensajes originales en inglés):
- Fix high memory consumption when zooming
- Fix memory leak when making thumbnails and annotating texts
- Drag and Drop: Reset the
action at the beginning of the drag-and-drop operation
- Add more accelerators on the menu items
- Remove the internal build of the ‘synctex’ library, use only the external version provided by software vendors
- Fix the Greek User Guide which prevents from completing the build target
- Tiff backend: Address the failure from TIFFReadRGBAImageOriented
- Tiff backend: Fix a buffer overflow in tiff-document.c
- Fix several code analysis, deprecation warnings reported by Clang Static Analyzer, Cppcheck and GCC
- Migrate to Python 3 for testings
- Require GLib 2.54.0 or newer
- Require WebKitGTK-4.0 2.6.0 or newer
- Require Cairo 1.14.0 or newer
- Drop WebKitGTK-3.0 support
- i18n: Migrate from intltools to gettext
- g10n: Update the translations
Lista completa de cambios:
- Ready for using gcc 10
- fm-properties: Remove the use of mate-desktop-thumbnail helper
- Don’t hyphenate the filenames
- Add a new extension interface: CajaWidgetViewProvider API
- Add a new object: FmWidgetView
- Fix a grammar mistake reported by the translators
- Fix several code analysis, deprecation warnings reported by Clang Static Analyzer, Cppcheck and GCC
- Fix Caja crashes when moving files in Korean locale
- Use the Show icons option in views tab
- Add a configuration option for hiding the icons in the list view
- Add the missing icons on several menu items
- Show the thumbnails in list view
- Render more icons as cairo_surfaces for better HIDPI support
- Refactor custom CSS loading into a separate function
- Add the support for checking the accessibility of the UI files using gla11y
- Restore transparent background on icon view labels
- Add scroll tabs with mouse wheel for File’s properties and caja’s preferences windows
- desktop: Force no borders on desktop items by default
- Change URL prefixes from http to https
- caja-progress-info: Add tooltips to file transfer dialog
- Add accessible names for buttons in file transfer operations dialog
- eel: Remove date & time functions
- caja-file: Fix incomplete file replacement dialog
- caja-file-operations: Add comment with false positive warning
- Fix several memory leaks all over the place
- i18n: Allow the translation of more elements of the graphic interface
- i18n: Migrate from intltools to gettext
- g10n: Update the translations
Lista completa de cambios:
- Use CAJA_EXTENSION_DIR_SYS to save and show system caja extension dir
- Show full path of caja-extension-dir
Lista completa de cambios:
- caja-wallpaper-extension: Fix memory leak
- image-converter: Rewrite caja-image-resize.ui from scratch fixing deprecations
- Fix several code analysis, deprecation warnings reported by Clang Static Analyzer, Cppcheck and GCC
- Build either with gupnp version 1.0 or 1.2.
- image-converter: Don’t use non-existing icons in context menu
- i18n image-converter: Allow the translation of select an angle drop-down list
- i18n: Migrate from intltools to gettext
- g10n: Update the translations
Lista completa de cambios:
- Ready for using gcc 10
- fr-command-rpm: Use rpm2cpio binary shipped with rpm package
- Add source rpm to supported mime-types
- 7z: Don’t set the work directory, i.e. use temporary directory
- Fix localized pause UI logic
- Zstandard: Update MIME type
- Ar: Update MIME type and add magic numbers
- LHA: Fix the Internet media type
- dlg-package-installer: Show icons in error dialog buttons
- unace 2.5: Don’t show archive summary in file listing
- java-utils: Remove blank spaces before reading package name
- Add zcompress support
- fr-command-unarchiver: Ask for the password if necessary
- Fix several code analysis, deprecation warnings reported by Clang Static Analyzer, Cppcheck and GCC
- Fix several memory leaks
- Upgrade the manual to docbook 5.0
- Support the .udeb package format
- Show the application version on the command line
- i18n: Migrate from intltools to gettext
- g10n: Update the translations
Lista completa de cambios:
- Add eom-thumbnailer for webp files
- thumbnail: Remove use of mate-desktop-thumbnail helper
- Enable Wayland support
- EomPrintPreview: Fix preview thumbnail on HiDPI displays
- Fix several code analysis, deprecation warnings reported by Clang Static Analyzer, Cppcheck and GCC
- Allow color correcting images with alpha channel
- Require GLib 2.52 or newer
- store: Add any image file in the current directory to the store
- Upgrade the manual to docbook 5.0
- Use persistent page setup
- i18n: Migrate from intltools to gettext
- g10n: Update the translations
Lista completa de cambios:
- Fix several code analysis, deprecation warnings reported by Clang Static Analyzer, Cppcheck and GCC
- Use gresources for UI files
- i18n: Migrate from intltools to gettext
- g10n: Update the translations
Lista completa de cambios:
- Fix several code analysis, deprecation warnings reported by Clang Static Analyzer, Cppcheck and GCC
- i18n: Migrate from intltools to gettext
- g10n: Update the translations
Lista completa de cambios:
- Locations: Add Lleida–Alguaire Airport weather station
- Fix several code analysis, deprecation warnings reported by Clang Static Analyzer, Cppcheck and GCC
- locations: Change weather station for Rostov-on-Don, Russia
- i18n: Migrate from intltools to gettext
- g10n: Update the translations
Lista completa de cambios:
- theme: Fix window control hidpi rendering for all themes.
- tabpopup: Complete rework
- window: Add optional tile size cycling
- Add more window decoration themes: Add Atlanta, Esco, Gorilla, Motif, Raleigh
- Fix several code analysis, deprecation warnings reported by Clang Static Analyzer, Cppcheck and GCC
- Fix use of RBGA visual in frame.c when compositing is not in use
- Fixed moving windows to edges to work with CSD clients.
- Add the support for the meson build system
- Make alt+tab max columns configurable and consider window label width
- Add invisible-border
- theme: Fix window state when tiling from maximized
- constraints: fix mem leak in meta_window_constrain()
- alt+tab popup: Rework
- Allow use of up/down arrow keys in alt+tab popup
- Fix several memleaks
- i18n: Migrate from intltools to gettext
- g10n: Update the translations
Lista completa de cambios:
- Ready for using gcc 10
- Use ${datadir}/dbus-1/system.d as the default D-Bus config dir
- Make the dbus directory configurable
- Fix several code analysis, deprecation warnings reported by Clang Static Analyzer, Cppcheck and GCC
- Make cpufreq builds independent from kernel header version.
- geyes: Avoid memory leak
- multiload: Support NVMe drives
- Make command applet run commands asynchronously
- Make translatable documenters in about dialog
- Make translatable copyright info in about dialog
- Ensure proper translation of the about dialog title
- i18n: Migrate from intltools to gettext
- g10n: Update translations
Lista completa de cambios:
- Enable the support for the meson build system
- i18n: Migrate from intltools to gettext
- g10n: Update the translations
Lista completa de cambios:
- Fix scientific presentation of complex numbers
- Fix several code analysis, deprecation warnings reported by Clang Static Analyzer, Cppcheck and GCC
- mp-equation: Update values from physical constants to match with tooltip values in math-buttons
- Add unit tooltips to physical constants
- Do not focus on click
- mp-equation: Add pre-defined physical constants
- Use gresources for UI files
- mp: Fix calculate result ln(e^(i*π))
- display small numbers in scientific notation
- display small numbers in scientific notation
- Add support for “pi” in addition to “π”
- i18n: Migrate from intltools to gettext
- g10n: Update the translations
Lista completa de cambios:
- Update MATE_CXX_WARNINGS macro
- Set compiler debug flags in MATE_DEBUG_CHECK
- Check if AX_APPEND_FLAG and AX_CHECK_COMPILE_FLAG are available
- Update mate-compiler-flags macro
Lista completa de cambios:
- Search system themes in system data dirs
- display: Enable the help button
- Fix several code analysis, deprecation warnings reported by Clang Static Analyzer, Cppcheck and GCC
- Aeveral icon fixes for HIDPI displays
- font-viewer: Add font/collection to the supported mimetypes
- font-viewer: Add font/ttf and font/otf mime types
- Fix memory leaks im several applications
- mouse: Add support for Acceleration Profiles
- at-properties: Migrate from dbus-glib to gdbus
- support lightdm-gtk-greeter-settings as login preferences program
- Drop libXxf86 dependency
- Use python3 for gla11y
- Add scroll tabs with mouse wheel in several capplets
- Add the support for checking the accessibility of the UI files using gla11y
- Add new time-admin application
- Add instant messenger keybinding into mate-keybinding-properties
- default-applications: Add a widget for a default messenger application
- capplets: Use gresources for UI files
- Migrate from dbus-glib to GDBus
- Use system data dirs to locate key bindings
- default-applications: Improve UI accessibility
- i18n: Migrate from intltools to gettext
- g10n: Update the translations
Lista completa de cambios:
- Drop mate_desktop_thumbnail_scale_down_pixbuf()
- Increase the size of thumbnails to 256
- Fix several code analysis, deprecation warnings reported by Clang Static Analyzer, Cppcheck and GCC
- Move remaining peripheral schemas to mate-settings-daemon
- schema: Move mouse schemas to mate-settings-daemon
- schemas: Define schema for a default messenger
- Add test code for mate-languages.
- Add the support for the meson build system
- Fix some memory leaks
- MateHSV implementation (GtkHSV fork)
- i18n: Migrate from intltools to gettext
- g10n: Update the translations
Lista completa de cambios:
- Add status icons for mobile network connections
- Rework volume-status icons
- Add vpn network status icons
- Update network status icons
- Add dropbox-status icons
- Add mate/256x256/actions/mail-send.png
- Fix mate/22x22/devices/printer.png
- Upscale 22x22px icons to 24x24px adding 1px to the edges
- Use radial gradient (Blur 13.9%, Opacity 73.4%) for MATE logo shadow
- Add missing preferences-system-time icon
- Display the volume status with a better contrast in panels
- Generate png mimetypes icons from paper-sheets.svg - Mate theme
- Generate preferences-system-time.png from from source
- Generate png icons from source - Mate theme, apps, categories & devices
- Update terminal icons for mate theme
- i18n: Migrate from intltools to gettext
- g10n: Update the translations
Lista completa de cambios:
- Resize indicator icons to fit panel
- i18n: Migrate from intltools to gettext
- g10n: Update the translations
Lista completa de cambios:
- Fix several code analysis, deprecation warnings reported by Clang Static Analyzer, Cppcheck and GCC
- gvc applet: Add missing translations (i18n)
- Scroll the volume in configurable steps same as media-keys
- Add the scroll interface using the mouse wheel
- Allow to dissable either statusicon or panelapplet
- Enable a mute menuitem for the output
- Add a new real panel-applet
- i18n: Migrate from intltools to gettext
- g10n: Update the translations
Lista completa de cambios:
- Use datadir and libdir variables when installing gir files
- i18n: Migrate from intltools to gettext
- g10n: Update the translations
Lista completa de cambios:
- Fix several code analysis, deprecation warnings reported by Clang Static Analyzer, Cppcheck and GCC
- Add an option to disable the bold face of the window title in applet
- Make the ‘show-home-title’ feature work again
- Change preference label for the window picker applet, and add a tooltip
- i18n: Migrate from intltools to gettext
- g10n: Update the translations
Lista completa de cambios:
- Use gresource for mate-notification-properties.ui
- mate-notification-properties: Add do-not-disturb feature
- i18n: Migrate from intltools to gettext
- g10n: Update the translations
Lista completa de cambios:
- Avoid double a11y description on panel toplevels
- clock applet: Add a call to ATK to provide the current displayed time
- status-notifier: Improve HIDPI support
- fish: Use a higher resolution image for Wanda the Fish
- Fix several code analysis, deprecation warnings reported by Clang Static Analyzer, Cppcheck and GCC
- panel-toplevel: Fix applets placement on expanded vertical panel
- [clock-applet] Add scroll interface tabs with mouse wheel
- More improvements for Wayland support
- Make system-tray X11-only
- Make panel-struts X11-only
- Make panel-multimonitor Wayland ready
- Make panel-background Wayland ready
- Make panel-background-monitor X11-only
- Load and store what platforms applets support
- panel-addto support disabling applets
- Panel addto Wayland support
- Fix reloading the default layout after panel reset
- Fix random crashes on panel reset
- window-list: Show window previews on hover
- Fix panel applet keyboard focus trap
- i18n: Migrate from intltools to gettext
- g10n: Update the translations
Lista completa de cambios:
- Fix several code analysis, deprecation warnings reported by Clang Static Analyzer, Cppcheck and GCC
- Migrate from GSimpleAsyncResult to GTask
- i18n: Migrate from intltools to gettext
- g10n: Update the translations
Lista completa de cambios:
- icons: Add higher resolution icons
- Fix several code analysis, deprecation warnings reported by Clang Static Analyzer, Cppcheck and GCC
- Require upower-0.99.8 or newer
- Use up_client_get_devices2()
- Use gresources for ui files
- Add scroll interface tabs with mouse wheel
- Add conf option to disable warnings for low mouse power
- i18n: Migrate from intltools to gettext
- g10n: Update the translations
Lista completa de cambios:
- Fix several code analysis, deprecation warnings reported by Clang Static Analyzer, Cppcheck and GCC
- Ensure lock on suspend and unlock on resume
- Use gresources for ui files
- Drop libXxf86 dependency
- Add ELOGIND support
- g10n: Update the translations
Lista completa de cambios:
- i18n: Migrate from intltools to gettext
- g10n: Update the translations
Lista completa de cambios:
- Fix several code analysis, deprecation warnings reported by Clang Static Analyzer, Cppcheck and GCC
- Fix timeout with gnome-keyring 3.34
- Fix mate-session-properties vertical scaling
- test-inhibit: Migrate to gdbus
- Add Show hidden checkbox and gsettings flag.
- Hide NoDisplay Apps in Startup Applications
- Fix several memory leaks
- Add hardware-compatibility file
- Fix unable to retrieve org.gnome.SessionManager.Renderer property
- Add mate_session_check_accelerated helpers
- Add ELOGIND support
- i18n: Migrate from intltools to gettext
- g10n: Update the translations
Lista completa de cambios:
- Require DBUS 1.10.0 or newer
- Default DBUS_SYS_DIR to ${datadir}/dbus-1/system.d
- Fix several code analysis, deprecation warnings reported by Clang Static Analyzer, Cppcheck and GCC
- xrandr: Add bigger icon sizes for tray-applet
- Hide MATE Settings Daemon from Startup Applications capplet
- Add remaining peripheral schemas from mate-desktop
- mouse: Add the acceleration profiles
- Change media-keys volume-step default from 6 to 5 in the gschema
- plugins: Drop libXxf86 dependency
- plugins housekeeping: Code optimization
- media-keys: Execute default instant messaging application defined by schema
- locate-pointer: Do not grab pointer button when trying to locate
- i18n: Migrate from intltools to gettext
- g10n: Update the translations
Lista completa de cambios:
- Fix several code analysis, deprecation warnings reported by Clang Static Analyzer, Cppcheck and GCC
- Require GLib 2.56.0 or newer
- Improve the support for HiDPI
- Add the disk I/O info on the usage and prefs section
- Fix some memory leak
- Add the disk IO on process info
- Show the GPU info on the System tab
- Support up to 32 CPUs
- Show available disk space in ZFS
- Show OpenIndiana release and kernel info in System tab
- Show FreeBSD sysname, release, version in System tab
- Fix openSUSE Tumbleweed rolling release info
- i18n: Migrate from intltools to gettext
- g10n: Update the translations
Lista completa de cambios:
- Ready for using gcc 10
- Fix several memory leaks
- terminal-screen: Fix warning when closing window
- Fix several code analysis, deprecation warnings reported by Clang Static Analyzer, Cppcheck and GCC
- Make “highlighting things under mouse pointer” configurable
- Show confirmation dialog if there are multiple open tabs on closing
- Upgrade the manual to docbook 5.0
- i18n: Migrate from intltools to gettext
- g10n: Update the translations
Lista completa de cambios:
- Update reporting-bugs section
- Remove the custom-command-options section and address the syntax
- Update preferred applications section
- Replace the docbook links with xref and fix a linkend attribute (#30)
- Upgrade the manual to docbook 5.0
- g10n: Update the translations
Lista completa de cambios:
- Fix several code analysis, deprecation warnings reported by Clang Static Analyzer, Cppcheck and GCC
- Fix HTTPD config notice
- i18n: Migrate from intltools to gettext
- g10n: Update the translations
Lista completa de cambios:
- Ready for using gcc 10
- Use gresources for UI files
- Fix several code analysis, deprecation warnings reported by Clang Static Analyzer, Cppcheck and GCC
- Add the MATE Disk Image Mounter utility
- logview: Use the preferred date&time representation for the current locale
- Add scroll tabs with mouse wheel
- Make inkscape and rsvg-convert optional
- Fix some memory leaks
- Regenerate png icons from svg files
- Update the documenters in the about dialog
- i18n: Migrate from intltools to gettext
- g10n: Update the translations
Lista completa de cambios:
- Add Undo and Redo buttons
- Fix item drag & drop creating copies, fix undo, redo and a crash when refreshing
- Fix several code analysis, deprecation warnings reported by Clang Static Analyzer, Cppcheck and GCC
- Add the support for the meson build system
- Fix creating new menus and items
- i18n: Migrate from intltools to gettext
- g10n: Update the translations
Lista completa de cambios:
- Add the ability to show the non-printable characters (spaces/tabs/newlines)
- Fix several code analysis, deprecation warnings reported by Clang Static Analyzer, Cppcheck and GCC
- window: Do not override GdkWindowState
- Fix some memory leaks
- Fix build with GtkSourceView 3.22
- spell-checker plugin: Add missing translation (i18n)
- Add the support for checking the accessibility of the UI files using gla11y
- Add snippet to toggle comment/uncomment
- pluma-print-preview: Fix warning: identical expressions
- Switch to Python 3
- Manual: Update how pluma can be opened from menu
- Upgrade the manual to docbook 5.0
- i18n: Migrate from intltools to gettext
- g10n: Update the translations
Lista completa de cambios:
- Ready for using gcc 10
- Drop the support for Python 2
- Add the support to build using Python 3.9
- i18n: Migrate from intltools to gettext
- g10n: Update the translations
Complete changelog at